
Preschool children sitting on the floor with their teacher


Self-sufficiency & curiosity

2-2.5 years

The Bumblebee Room is a safe and warm environment where children can develop both personal and community skills through exploration, experimentation, and uninterrupted play. We support the children as they continue to grow in self-awareness and become more independent.

At 2 and 2 ½ years old, children are budding in independence. They have increased language skills and a greater awareness of peers. They begin to navigate the mechanics of friendship as the concept becomes increasingly important to them. And when working with others, conflict naturally arises. Conflict resolution is a fundamental pillar of our day. When approaching conflict resolution, we strive to respect children, honor their individual needs, and meet them wherever they may be in their social development with patience, love, and understanding.

When a conflict arises, Bumblebees work towards identifying their emotions, discussing their needs with their peers and working together to formulate solutions. We allow children plenty of time and space to work on the skills without intervention and often take on an observational role. When children struggle to find solutions, teachers facilitate conflict resolution by helping children name emotions and their causes and offer up possible solutions.

  • We respect the whole child.
  • We demonstrate this respect by communicating with honesty and acting with intention.
  • Each interaction is viewed as a meaningful opportunity to expand children’s social skills and identity.

Throughout our day, transitions are handled with gentleness, flexibility and a calm approach as we change from one activity to another. We make sure to adjust even the most carefully planned transitions to meet the needs of each child at any particular time. We understand that toddlers find predictable routines and limits comforting and give them a sense of control and order. We value daily open communication, and believe that strong partnerships with parents allow us to understand each child’s unique needs.


Where good beginnings never end...

Preschool kids pretending to cook something in class